Group Details

Men's Morning Chick-fil-A

David Wall, Lee Deutschendorf

Men, start your Tuesday mornings off with Bible study, encouragement, prayer, and chicken sandwiches as we explore what it means to be a godly man and true disciple of Jesus amid our current culture. We will meet weekly at the Chick-fil-A on HWY 72 in Clift Farms from 7:00 - 7:45 AM. Bring a Bible and money for breakfast. (If you have a student in BC YTH, this is a great chance to bring them to the BC YTH Life Group that meets at CFA at the same time. We will dismiss in time to get to school. However, any men are welcome to attend.)

Madison Chick-fil-A on HWY 72 in Clift Farms
Tuesday - 7:00 AM